Windows 10 - Imaging and Patching

When:  May 31, 2017 from 15:00 to 16:00 (ET)

Start Time by Time Zone:
 12:00 pm PDT
  1:00 pm MDT
  2:00 pm CDT
  3:00 pm EDT
  7:00 pm UTC

Windows 10 - Imaging and Patching

In this virtual roundtable, we'll hold an open discussion about imaging and patching Windows 10. Topics will include using Long Term Servicing Branch vs. Current Business Branch, deployment techniques and any other topics that come up.

The success of this discussion will rely upon your input, so please come prepared to participate and share your thoughts, ideas and challenges.

Jason Baker
is the Supervisor, Help Desk and Applications Architect at Fish. A leader in the firm's applications, development and support team, he oversees the day-to-day responsibilities of the help desk staff and is responsible for configuring all firm images, application and update packaging and deployment, and managing deployment services.

Beau Mersereau leads the application, development, support and training teams at Fish. He has been an active member of ILTA for over a decade and is currently a member of the Program Planning Council. Beau's past ILTA roles include regional vice president for the Four Corners region and peer group vice president.

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