Chicago: Law Firm Cybersecurity Briefing

When:  Mar 15, 2017 from 12:00 to 13:30 (CT)

Law Firm Cybersecurity Briefing

Lunch Sponsor: Worldox

Join us as we discuss best practices and new tools to better protect your on-premises content. Having helped law firms and legal departments manage and protect content for over two decades, Worldox has recently launched encryption at rest and partnered with Workshare for advanced secure sharing and collaboration tools. Learn how to bring your content security to the next level.

Ray Zwiefelhofer, Worldox
Rebecca Sattin, Worldox
Michael West, Workshare

Event Image


Michael, Best & Friedrich
River Point
444 West Lake Street, Suite 3200
Chicago, IL 60606


Ha Truong
(312) 596-5805