Don’t Become Phish Food: How to Protect your Firm’s Reputation Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

When:  May 4, 2020 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)


The number of phishing emails targeting firms has increased by over 600% since the end of February as cyber-criminals look to capitalise on the fear and uncertainty generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Barracuda Networks. While firms try very hard to keep their own system safe from phishing emails, they often pay less attention to the reputational damage that might be caused if one of their clients falls victim to a phishing attack purporting to come from their domain. Your own security systems do not protect your client’s against phishing emails that originate from somewhere else in the world, somewhere that is spoofing your domain to send targeted phishing emails. If one of these phishing emails is successful and one of your clients is defrauded, the consequent impact on your reputation can be significant. The only way to effectively mitigate against this risk is by the DMARC protocol.

DMARC should be on the radar of anyone concerned about their firm’s reputation or with the deliverability of emails. Put simply DMARC is a way of letting your recipients know that an email that says it comes from you is actually from you and not generated by a phishing bot sitting somewhere in Russia. Having a valid DMARC policy means that the receiving site can be sure that the email is really from you and is not a phishing email pretending to be you. Sounds important? Then why do only 10% of the AMLAW 350 have a DMARC policy. Sign up today to learn about the risks of not having a DMARC policy and what actions can be taken to simplify its introduction.


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