OH Local Meeting - Optimizing Standard Builds: Best Practices, Challenges & Future Trends

When:  Mar 11, 2025 from 12:00 to 13:00 (ET)

This facilitated discussion will explore how law firms define, manage, and evolve their standard image/build for user devices, balancing security, compliance, and user flexibility. Attendees will share insights on current practices, key challenges, and emerging trends, including self-service deployment, cloud applications, and AI-driven automation.

Please note that Affinity Consulting is sponsoring the event and that Senior Consultant Danielle DavisRoe will moderate the discussion as a roundtable for both virtual and in-person attendees.

You can join us in the Columbus or Cincinnati location or virtually!

Cincinnati Location: Bricker Graydon, Scripps Center, 312 Walnut Street, Suite 1800, Cincinnati, OH 45202

Columbus Location: Barnes & Thornburg. 41 South High St, Suite 3300, Columbus, OH 43215

We will have three different registration links please make sure to choose the right city if you are attending in person or the virtual option if attending virtually.

Questions please reach out to ILTA Cincinnati Member Liaison Missy McDonough at mmcdonough@brickergraydon.com or ILTA Columbus Member Liaison Kelly Atkinson at Kelly.Atkinson@btlaw.com.

Lunch will be generously provided at both locations by Affinity Consulting

Event Image