Work-from-Home Security Threats: Protect Your Firm on the Inside and Outside

When:  Jun 12, 2020 from 12:00 to 13:00 (ET)


Capensys, MediaPro, Kraft Kennedy and Remediant will provide an in-depth look at security in light of the recent changes in our work environment, including case studies of recent attacks. What additional threats are posed by a newly dispersed workforce? How can you ensure that the home networks of your users are secure? How are hackers taking advantage of the current situation? How do privileged access accounts pose a particular risk to the firm? What steps can you take to help secure your environment? We'll highlight the important role that each user plays in maintaining a culture of security warriors to protect the firm and client information.

Join us for this engaging, interactive panel discussion that will include case studies, actionable recommendations, and best practices for our current situation for law firms and legal departments


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