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Thomas Wallace Household

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Write essay online,
Thomas Wallace Household


An exposition is the work on the perception, comprehension, transfer of the content of the text, as well as its artistic and stylistic features.

According to the nature of the text material there are several types of exposition:

  • narrative (with narrative, factual content);
  • Descriptive (or with elements of the description);
  • narration-explanation (or with elements of reasoning).

Usually in texts there is a combination of several types. Thus, a narrative text often includes elements of description, descriptive texts often include an argument, and essays-explanations sometimes include both description and narration. It is very important to be able to distinguish from a text a particular type of presentation, since each of them has its own characteristics.
Narrative, or narrative, narrative is the simplest type of work. It can talk about the events taking place, about the life of people (or cities, countries, etc.), about the nature of some kind of activity, etc. Narrative is usually artistic, but purely informative is also possible. The main thing in a narrative narrative is information about successive events.

A typical error in narratives is the unwarranted repetition of words in the initial part of the statement, which contains the same type of information. In order to avoid this, we should pay attention to the way professional authors do without repeating words indicating an actor or a sequence of events. It is necessary to keep in mind a certain regularity in the use of verb forms. So, to convey the change of action, to emphasize their sequence, the achievement of the result allows the verbs of the past perfect tense, they should be preferred. However, the verbs of the imperfect form are also necessary: they make it possible to emphasize the duration of certain actions; the verbs of the present tense represent events as if they were taking place before the reader; the forms of the future tense (how to shout! how to jump up! how to run!) convey the rapidity, the unexpectedness of this or that action.

To cope successfully with a narrative papersmart, you need to clarify its theme and main idea (sometimes it is enclosed in the title of the text). Then you need to identify micro-themes and try to title each of them. Work on the narrative is systematized if the student answers the following questions for himself or herself:

1. Is there information in each of the fragments without which the entire narrative that follows would be incomprehensible?
2. What details of what happens are important for the development of the action, for the disclosure of the main idea, and which can be omitted? Why?
3. How to formulate the idea expressed in each fragment shorter?
4. How does the author treat the characters?
5. Who among them can be called the main character? How does this character relate to the main idea of the text?

Narrative narration disciplines the student's thought, teaches a consistent transfer of facts, promotes the ability to establish the reason for what is happening, to separate the main from the secondary, to reveal the composition and the idea of the work.

Descriptive narrative is a more complex (if not the most complex) type of work. Descriptive statements always present a static picture, conveying a detailed image of the object (phenomenon, condition, external portrait of a person, etc.) and its features.
When writing this type of narrative, it is important not to lose sight of every subject, every detail that makes up the overall picture.
The last type is an exposition-explanation. This type of work makes it most difficult for students. Here analytical thinking, the ability to answer not only the question "What and where is happening?" but also the questions "Why is happening?", "What are the origins of what is happening?", "What is in perspective?" can help a lot.

Work on this type of narration involves solving several tasks:

1. highlighting all the components of reasoning in the text;
2. clarification of the main idea of the statement;
3. construction of reasoning with complex argumentation;
4. selection of linguistic means;
5. reproducing the text in the third person;
6. construction of own reasoning, justifying the conclusion from the statement.

The exposition-explanation helps to develop logical thinking, trains them to deployment of argumentation, justification of their positions, as well as to precise formulation of theses put forward in the work, clearly defining the purpose of the statement.

Should the text be brief or detailed?

If a student has a good memory, can locate the logical emphasis in the passages suggested by a text essay writing websites, and has a good command of language, he or she can afford a lengthy and detailed summary of the reading.

The student is forced to write briefly if:

1. does not know how to distinguish the main from the secondary, fills the text with unnecessary details, missing the essence of the story;
2. has poor memory and cannot convey all aspects of the text he or she reads.

In the exam, it is required to present the text accurately enough, consistently, logically, without missing significant details of the events described, on about two (at least) - three standard pages.