
Links in Word to Worksite/Filesite files

By ILTA Tips posted 07-20-2015 00:00



Importing Links to other DMS documents to Your Current document with Worksite/Filesite

In Word (or Excel, or PowerPoint), click on the WorkSite tab.

There, click on the Link icon.

Then choose Insert Hyperlink, and you will see your DMS folders come up.

Browse to find the document you want to insert, and Double click it.

In the dialog box that comes up, choose a word (or words) to describe the link (such as, Letter, or chart, etc.), and click OK.

In your document, you will see that word appear in blue, and underlined. If you double-click it, it will open the linked document.   

You could also just "drag" the document from the DMS to your Word document (or Excel, or PowerPoint, or email, or Calendar item as well!) and it will link to that DMS document.

