There are nine potential issues:You are not logged into your member account.You are not a member and the event is not open to the public or business partners. You cannot register for an event as a guest. Please
sign up for a free account to continue.
The information currently related to your account is outdated. Please check the My Profile section, located on the
ILTA Connect site.
You could potentially be a business partner that is listed as an industry member. This could potentially hide the business partner registration option, depending on the internal setup for the event.
You could potentially be listed as a primary on one account, and a third party authorized representative on another. The system cannot assume what persona you are registering as. Please contact for assistance.
You are listed as a third party authorized account on multiple accounts. The system cannot assume which organization you are doing business as. Please contact for assistance.
There is a problem with the event. Please contact with your username, email and the name of the event you are experiencing issues with.
There is a problem with the configuration of your account. Please contact with your username, email and the name of the event you are experiencing issues with.