
Content that keeps you educated, informed, and coming back for more.

With peer-developed themes, a revolving editorial calendar, content written by industry experts, and case studies written by those who’ve “been there, done that,” ILTA Publications are consistently ranked as the most valuable publications in the legal technology sector. Our award-winning magazine, white papers and quality surveys deliver education when and where you want it.

Peer to Peer Magazine

Our award-winning magazine is distributed to over 17,000 legal technology and business support professionals. Themes and topics are driven by member input and include thought-provoking features, case studies, interviews and more.

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White Papers

ILTA's digital white papers are anything but bland. These digital publications include five to eight articles that are typically deeper dives than those published in the magazine.

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Technology Survey

ILTA's most prestigious publication each year is our annual Technology Survey. The Tech Survey provides substantive data against which you can benchmark your organization's technology implementations and future plans.

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Author for ILTA

One of ILTA’s most impressive resources is our community of volunteer authors. They provide readers with a treasure-trove of educational content, experiential knowledge, and innovative solutions from the forefront of legal tech advancements. We are grateful for our authors and your interest in joining this valued collective of ILTA volunteers.

Publication Process

Look through our current Editorial Calendar. Select the publication theme that best aligns with the article you want to write.
Complete our Article Idea form. Provide us with a brief overview and description of the article you want to write.
ILTA’s Editor of Content and Publications will email you about your article idea. You will receive instructions for the next step in the process.
Once your idea is approved to move forward, you will receive an email with the link to complete the Full-Text Article Submission and Author Agreement Form. This form MUST be submitted by the article submission date provided on the Editorial Calendar. Make sure to review and follow ILTA’s Editorial Style Guide. After completing this form, you will receive either confirmation that your submission was accepted or a request for edits before we can publish your content.
Your confirmation email will provide a timeline for when you can expect to receive an edited copy of your content for review. If you want changes made to the edited version of your submission, those requests must be received (via email) no later than the Final Editorial Deadline provided in your confirmation email. Please note that ILTA reserves the right to edit submissions, so the content conforms to our Publishing Style Guide and meshes well with other content in a publication.

2025 Editorial Calendar

Get exposure to the most attentive audience
of legal technology professionals in the world.

If you'd like to contribute an article to ILTA, we want to help you get your idea approved and make sure your piece is published in the best possible light. It's truly a win-win: You and your organization get exposure to the most attentive audience of legal technology professionals in the world, and we get to publish articles that keep our readers informed, educated and coming back for more.

MAR Spring Magazine + White Papers Section Practical AI for Legal Technologists: Real-World Applications and Insights 3 MAR 14 MAR
JULY Summer Magazine NextGen Productivity & Collaboration: Mastering Modern Legal Workflows 13 JUN 20 JUN
AUG Survey 2025 Technology Survey Executive Summary N/A 15 JULY
SEP Survey 2025 Technology Survey Analysis and Results N/A 1 AUG
OCT Fall Magazine Adapting to Change: Structuring Professional Growth for Successful Futures 15 SEP 1 AUG
NOV Survey Staffing & Compensation N/A 1 OCT
JAN Winter Magazine + White Papers Section Governance Evolution: Adapting to New Legal Tech Realities 1 DEC 15 DEC

Recognition of Excellence in Legal Technology and Innovation

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