About ILTA

We're peer-powered.

About ILTA

ILTA is a volunteer-led, staff-managed association with a focus on premiership. We aim to educate you and connect you with your peers to support your work in the legal sector. While we have a strong focus on technology, our offerings support professionals of every stripe in law firms and corporate/government legal operations.

Already a member?

Your ILTA membership offers one of the best peer networking opportunities you can find within the legal community.

Want to become a member?

Join the over 25,000 of you peers from the world's top law firms and legal departments moving legal forward.

Want to partner with us?

Partner with ILTA to build your comprehensive sales and marketing campaigns via events, advertising, and thought leadership.

Did you know?
Once your organization is a member of ILTA, anyone on your team can create an ILTA Login and start accessing ILTA resources too. All your colleague needs to do is click the “Sign In/Register” button, select the “Create an Online Account” button, and use their organization-affiliated email address to create their login.

ILTA Core Values

Nurture skills and talents to promote professional development and success

Embrace and encourage volunteerism

Respond with agility to our rapidly changing environment

Strive to be environmentally responsible

Foster diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the ILTA community

What does ILTA do?

ILTA has a strong reputation for delivering relevant, peer-developed programming to its constituents around the globe. Our history is a success story built on the capable volunteer leadership from our member law firms and corporate/government legal departments. The expertise and real-world experiences shared by our community provide ongoing learning and support for every professional who works in the legal sector.

Beyond the knowledge that you’ll acquire through educational programming, publications and knowledge-sharing communities, we believe the greatest benefit ILTA brings its members is the opportunity to establish peer connections that will provide a lifetime of support. Our “been there, done that” approach allows us to bridge your needs with a global support network to assist you now and in the future.

ILTA's Mission Statement

ILTA is the trusted global resource community for legal technologists, providing information, education, peer connections, and career support that enhances the delivery of legal services.

Who are ILTA's members?

ILTA's international membership comprises firms and law departments of all sizes and all areas of practice, each sharing a common need to have access to the latest information about products and support services that impact the legal profession worldwide. We are entity-based, so that any employee of a member organization can participate at no additional cost.

How is ILTA organized?

ILTA was founded in 1980 and was first incorporated in 1985. It is currently incorporated in Texas, with the home office located in Chicago, IL, and is designated as a 501(c)(6) organization (nonprofit) by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

We are governed by a seven-member Board of Directors and supported by a professional staff. Many volunteer leadership positions provide the thought leadership, program development agenda and program deliverables that make us “peer-powered.”

ILTA Volunteer Structure

Volunteer with ILTA

ILTA fosters, relies on, and celebrates volunteers for their real-world experiences and their value as a resource for colleagues. ILTA would not be ILTA without its dedicated volunteers.

ILTA Volunteer Teams

Board of Directors


Audit, Finance & Investments


Constituents Council

DE+I Committee

Membership Committee

Business Partner Committee




Women Who Lead Advisory

Strategic Business Partners

Volunteer Council

Volunteer Development Committee

Volunteer Operations Committee

Education Council


Europe Programming Committee




Content Coordinating Teams

UK SIG Teams

ILTACON Europe Planning Team

Technology Survey Team

Local Experience Council

Member Liaisons