
One Size Most Definitely Does Not Fit All!

By Joy Heath Rush posted 11-02-2016 07:42


So true in so many ways!

However, when it comes to giving and receiving feedback, I’m not sure we always recognize the truth in that statement.

As managers – and even as managees (a new word?) – we tend to learn tried and true techniques for giving feedback.  Some examples ….

  1. Praise in Public, Criticize in Private.  A rule to live by?  Not always.  Many employees love the opportunity to “air dirty laundry” in a safe environment.  Properly managed, the good, old-fashioned post-mortem can yield learnings for everyone … if people are onboard with the process and are not in fear of being fired for being honest.  Food for thought.
  2. Those Who Keep Their Heads When Everyone Else is Losing Theirs.  Yep.  Be calm.  Be Zen.  But people have to know you can set your hair on fire when you have to.  Varying your style of delivering feedback can be a great cue as to the seriousness of the topic.  The key:  this is a controlled technique, not a free pass for losing your temper.
  3. Everyone Adds Value.  Yes, somewhere.  But not always in your organization.  And you do not do anyone any favors by sugarcoating feedback when someone really isn’t performing.  The how of delivering this message is the secret sauce.

Intrigued?  Enraged?  Ready to hear more?

We hope you can join us on Thursday at the Leadership New.0 conference in Chicago for more tips on Giving and Receiving Feedback.  Be prepared to be surprised, challenged, and affirmed!


