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Server Ops and Security PG and Tech Ops Conference Team will rock ILTA 2011 Conferece!

By Carlos Rodriguez posted 04-18-2011 11:46


2011 rev-elation Conference is approaching and our Server Ops and Security PG is bringing great educational content to it. Our fabulous Steering Committee team, led by Bob DuBois, and completed by myself, Tom Crowe, Mark Brophy, Nate Smith, Dave Nevala, and Toni Brester has done a great job developing sessions around topics often seen in the discussion boards around different technologies that support our demanding law firms. But first, a quick overview of the Conference Team.

The journey began on Friday August 27th of 2010 while many of us where returning from the fantastic 2010 Strategic Unity in Las Vegas. Right then, our awesome Co-Chairs two-year veteran, Meredith Williams, first-year Co-Chair Kathy Lentini, BoD Liaison, Eric Anderson, along with ILTA’s TJ Johnson and Peggy Wechsler, began looking at their strategy to tackle this year’s conference. As for myself, I am on my 2nd year representing the SOSPG in the Technology Operations Track. Meredith and Kathy made a great choice by appointing Skip Lohmeyer as Tech Ops Team Leader and together they brought in an impressive group of Legal Technology Professionals that make up our team. The same is true for the other three teams that complete the whole Conference Committee, which are Information Management, Organization Management and Applications/Desktop. Together the committee has come up with almost 200 educational sessions. I thought that last year’s conference was the best that I had ever attended; today I realize that I will say that after each conference that I attend. It is just amazing how the team came up with this amazing content, and how ILTA does it every year. Last but not least, Gaylord Opryland Resort has made an impressive recovery work after being 8-10 ft. under water after the flood in Nashville last year and it is looking better than ever; what a gorgeous venue for our Conference. Oh, and they will tell us their recovery story in Conference. You can’t miss it.

I can only give you a 10K ft. view of what we are bringing to conference as a Peer Group but I am very excited about our sessions and I know you will as well. The team tried to create good balance to bring relevant content that can have an immediate impact on technologies that you are currently evaluating from a servers operations and security perspective. In addition, the whole Tech Ops Team is delivering equally well balanced and amazing advanced sessions in areas of technology infrastructure that support our computing networks. Here is a quick view:

IPv6. Yes is finally coming. And it will be at ILTA this year as well. We are teaming up with the Emerging Technologies PG to deliver two sessions that will unveil IPv6 for us and what it means to how will be running our networks soon. As a reminder, watch out for “World IPv6 Day “on June 8th. If you thought this is not relevant think again as Asia have ran out of IPv4 and Europe is next as reported by NetworkWorld here

Endpoint and Media Encryption. Three different Law Firms will tell their story on why this technology is needed, what’s available, what to watch for. There will be content for all firm sizes here.

VDI. We’ve done this one before, but never at this scale. See how two very large firms with global foot prints have delivered hundreds of Virtual Desktops effectively. An impressive session is being developed with equally impressive speakers.

Securing the Virtual Environment. You have to come see this one because traditional security no longer applies to the virtualized world.

Upgrading to Exchange 2010. How do you prepare for it? What challenges can you encounter when coming from different previous versions? Two firms and one of our great ILTA Sponsors will prepare you for it.

Technology Operations Forecast. The way we design, implement, and manage technology will not be the same. This session is part of ILTA’s Law 2020 initiative.

And there are other amazing sessions being delivered by the Tech Ops Team which include, a Disaster Recovery session where the Gaylord will tell their story after the flooding and a global firm with offices in Japan will do the same after the massive earthquake and Tsunami that hit them this year. Other Sessions include DLP, Exploring the Exchange 2010 Ecosystem, Hosted Communications (both voice and email), Securing Windows 7, Keeping Documents Secured in Mobile Devices, and Change Management Impact on Tech Ops.

Go register for this year conference, and when you get there, check out the SOSPG group and Tech Ops sessions. You don’t want to miss this year’s conference! And please join me on thanking the amazing people behind our PG and Conference Committee teams for contributing with their time and knowledge to help ILTA make this great conference happen!


#Virtualization #FutureandEmergingTechnologies #Very Large (over 500) #Small (under 151) #Medium (151 - 250) #FutureFocused #ThinClientComputing #CommunicationsTechnologies #ServerOperationsandSecurity #Large (251 - 500)
