About the ILTA myMentor Program
The ILTA myMentor program aims to facilitate the ongoing professional development of professionals in the legal tech space. It offers you an opportunity to partner with an individual from another organization in the legal tech space for mentorship. You get to engage directly with a mentor/mentee to develop skills not available within your own organization; help individuals adapt to change; and are often an effective way to pass knowledge and experience on from seasoned professionals at similar levels to those new in their role at your organization. ILTA’s myMentor program provides you with a safe space to learn, develop, and build meaningful connections in the legal industry. With a focus on professional growth, communication skills, diversity, leadership, reflective analysis, and empowerment, ILTA will provide the structured program through Mentor/Mentee matching, program guidelines, and a resource center. Mentor and Mentee pairs will meet virtually on a cadence established by the pairs themselves for a designated time through their ILTA account while providing feedback and meeting with other mentors and mentees during the program.