Technology Support Services is a new area of focus this year that combines a number of areas under one umbrella (think User Support on vitamins!). We are riding the wave of change to help you support your most valuable asset – your users!
Our team is working on sessions that will help you provide the best user support experience, revitalize your training programs, manage your training content (LMS shootout), and gauge the effectiveness of what your users are learning. We will also be looking at the implications of recent changes to the rules of professional conduct and the requirement that lawyers be proficient in the use of technology. Here are just a few of the highlights:
Affordable Service Desk Tools and Best Practices will take a look at a number of tools and best practices for firms to consider and implement to provide the best support for users;
Riding the wave of change will offer new ways to approach change, and resistance to that change, by IT professionals who have led and managed change in their organizations;
Learning Management System Wild West Shootout! Moderated by Michelle Spencer, this session will offer a look at six LMS platforms and discuss what works, what doesn’t work, and what you should watch for when selecting and implementing these systems;
Helping Lawyers Meet Ethical Obligation of Technical Proficiency will present best practices for offering effective and practical training and CLE to attorneys who are now obligated to have a basic understanding of the systems in place at their firms;
Extreme Makeover: Webinar Edition Jeffrey Roach will dazzle you as he performs an “extreme makeover” of existing webinar materials and discusses the tools and technologies needed to make remote training engaging and effective;
What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: How To Establish a Successful In-House Technology Assessment Program Learn what the differences are between assessments and testing, why you should use assessments, and what your firm (and your users) should expect from an assessment as a solution in a rapidly changing learning culture.
Lights, Cameras, Action! Producing Blockbuster Training Videos on a Budget will show you how to create and produce high quality video content, use it in your training systems, and showcase the technologies that make it all happen – bring your notebooks for this one, you won’t want to miss it! Our speakers have even put together a video preview. Check it out here:
Remember a few weeks ago I talked about how big a change Windows 10 and Office 2016 are going to be? Come hear Jeffrey Roach talk about the versatility and flexibility of the new release, and see how you can use Office 2016/365 not just on your desktop, but across a range of devices while maintaining feature parity in Embracing Office 2016 Across Different Devices and Platforms.
And who doesn’t need help with cybersecurity training? You won’t want to miss Cybersecurity Training That Works, in which your peers will share how they are training employees to perform safe and secure computing, and lay out a framework that all firms should use in developing their training programs.
I’d like to close with a big shout out, and heartfelt thank you, to my fantastic team who are working hard to bring you all of the Technical Support and Applications sessions this year: David Bustle, Kisha Minor, Holt Satterfield, Maria Smith, Will Babbit, Rodney Mullins, and Karen Kucinski. They have given you a lot of great content to choose from (30 sessions in total!), and I know I will be trying to figure out a way to clone myself in the next 4 weeks!
I hope you can join us at the Gaylord National next month! Make sure you take in all the sessions that are being offered on the ILTACON site, and if you haven’t registered yet, what are you waiting for??
Christopher B. Hunt
Team Coordinator, Desktop & Applications Team, ILTACON 2016 Conference Committee
Director of Information Technology
Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak & Cohen, P.C.