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Knowledge Management Sessions @ ILTACON

By David Hobbie posted 08-19-2015 17:05


This year I am coordinating the Information Management team (Team 1) on ILTA’s Conference Committee.  That team’s concerns include the broad topic of knowledge management, and also includes a few members who spend all or part of their time doing knowledge management in their organizations.  I thought it might be useful for people who do knowledge management or who are interested in adopting or furthering knowledge management in their organizations to see a possible list of sessions.  I’ll try to keep myself to one session per “slot” or time period though there may be a slot or two when I can’t do that. 



Day 1—Monday August 31

Don’t miss the keynote by Ken Robinson and introduction to conference from co-chairs Tracy Elmblad and Rick Krzyminski along with ILTA’s Executive Director Randi Mayes.  Sir Robinson will talk about The Element:  Finding Your Passion.

Monday 11 AM:

Head to Roman II to see “Quality In, Quality Out:  Data Analytics Preparation” (#003), featuring

  • Joe Craven - Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck

  • My colleague Patricia Johansen - Goodwin Procter LLP

  • Lynn K. Oser - LKO Information Management Consulting, LLC*

    *I work with Lynn also!

    In a world of ever-growing data stores, many firms are faced with large amounts of unstructured data and questions about how to take advantage of "big data" concepts. The secret is to create data analytics that provide the right amount of data in a way that answers the questions asked by practice leaders, firm leadership and business development teams. Learn how to start by simplifying and correlating existing, disparate data sources and then see how to judicially apply tags and other metadata to extend your capabilities into the world of big data. When you put quality in, you'll get quality out of your data analytics preparation.

I’ve heard any number of stories of enterprise search or business intelligence efforts coming up short because of insufficient attention paid in advance to having the right kind and quality of data.  Come see how to get started right with internal data and information.

Monday 1 PM:

In the same room see “Future-Proof Projects with Effective Best Practices”, #015, featuring:

  • Donna Payne - PayneGroup, Inc.

  • Tim Golden - McGuireWoods LLP

  • Scott David - Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP

    We often talk about incorporating lessons learned into our processes, which means highlighting things that did not go well and then identifying process improvements to address similar issues in the future. However, it's just as important to identify and incorporate those ideas that resulted in success. Find out how to make the most of every lesson learned and future-proof your projects as a panel discusses effective best practices from the perspectives of project management, operational excellence and user adoption.

Knowledge managers should be involved with efforts to capture and extend best practices and build on previous successes; this session feature experienced consultants and project managers and goes well beyond a discussion of after-action reviews to address actual implementation of lessons learned.

Monday 2:30 PM:

In the Milano Ballrooms III & IV see “Considerations and Consequences: Moving to Cloud Document Management” #28, featuring:

  • John D. Green - Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz

  • Joseph L. Fousek - Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

  • Martin Metz - Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

  • Dan Carmel - iManage

  • Alvin Tedjamulia – NetDocuments

    Moving document management to the cloud is now a reality. Is your firm considering or planning a move to cloud document management? Look no further! A panel that includes firms that have moved and are moving their documents to the cloud will provide answers to all your questions: Why move documents to the cloud? What are the considerations for firms moving to the cloud? What are the implementation challenges? What are the ongoing maintenance concerns?

Cloud approaches to document management may lead to significant cost savings, but also may run into challenges and concerns from certain clients. Hear how vendors and firms are approaching this area of opportunity and risk.

(If cloud DMS issues don’t concern you, consider “Content Strategy is the New Kale,” #29 which looks at effective content development strategies for web marketing purposes.)

Monday 4 PM:

A follow up to a 2014 session on selling KM “Let KM Drive Client Value The Don Draper Way” #042 in Florentine I-II will address in colorful fashion how firms and clients can use KM to deliver more value to clients.  The main cast:

  • Chris Boyd - Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, PC

  • Meredith L. Williams, JD - Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz

  • Joshua Fireman - Fireman & Company

    Last year's ILTACON session on “Upselling KM: What Would Don Draper Do?” was not only entertaining, it had a tremendous wealth of information about selling knowledge management (KM) within your organization. This year, we continue with the Don Draper theme, the theatrical presentation style, and we move forward in time to 1969. We will focus on how law firms and legal departments can leverage KM to deliver more value to clients. The Association of Corporate Counsel defines the components of “value” as being lower costs, higher predictability and better outcomes, so the panel of speakers will present ways to harness KM resources to deliver on each component. Walk away with a toolkit to help connect KM initiatives to these elements of client value. Far out, man!?

I will have a bit part as a hapless secretary.

Tuesday 8:30 AM:

At 8:30 AM the next morning an extended session #049 in Neapolitan III & IV will address some new products that, unlike many others addressed at ILTA, have the potential to change the way some types of legal services are delivered, both on the transactional and litigation sides.  Inspired by a Michael Mills comment at ILTACON 2014.

  • Christopher Kave - Aurora North Software, Inc.

  • Charles Uniman Esq. - Dealstage

  • Clare Foley - Opus 2 International

  • Jason Furtado - Shoobx

    Experience a showcase of four new products that change the way attorneys practice law and improve the speed of legal service delivery. You'll see a mix of tools for both transactional and litigation practices, including an IP automation workflow, deal process life cycle, mobile collaboration tool for case teams and a tool to manage the corporate legal processes for the evolving stages of the life cycle of a company.

Tuesday 11 AM:

  1.  Adoption

In a session inspired by an ILTA KM Blog post, three experienced KM professionals including the post’s author teach about getting users to actually adopt new tools and resources, a perennial challenge for all kinds of KM and IT programs.  Florentine III & IV, #053.

  • Jennifer Cuenot - Shearman & Sterling, LLP

  • Katy Admirand - Kaye Scholer LLP

  • Gwyneth McAlpine - Perkins Coie

    Move beyond the basic deployment of a new tool or resource with hopes that “if we build it, they will come.” We'll give you new strategies for engaging users and increasing adoption rates by insinuating solutions into workflows and more closely embedding technology solutions into attorney problems. Don’t just implement. Adopt!

  1. Artificial Intelligence

Unfortunately at the same time, in Milano III-IV, Kyla Moran of IBM Corporation is speaking on what Watson, IBM’s foray into artificial intelligence, can do in the legal area in “Watson, I Need You! Augmented Intelligence for Legal” (#060). 

IBM's Watson won Jeopardy in 2011. Today it is transforming the practice of medicine, education and even the culinary arts. Join us for this exciting session to see what Watson can do for legal. Learn about the difference between augmented and artificial intelligence (among other things) and how this technology can be applied to the legal profession. Don't miss it!

The session and any discussion will be moderated by Ginevra Saylor of Dentons.

Tuesday 1:30 PM:

In “Knowledge Management Tactics: Learn How to Execute Your Plan” learn from three leading experts (including two KM Distinguished Peers) about making knowledge management happen.  Roman Ballroom III, #073.

  • Patrick DiDomenico - Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.

  • Eric Hunter - Bradford & Barthel, LLP

  • Ginevra Saylor - Dentons

    Whether you are new to knowledge management (KM) or are a seasoned KM professional looking for fresh ideas, we can help you successfully lead your KM team in executing on your KM plan. Providing their views from the trenches, our panelists will walk through the skills to look for when pulling your team together, tactics for marshaling support from the top, techniques for architecting user adoption and approaches for promoting change. You will also hear how to create a strategy for leading critical KM projects, overcoming common obstacles and advancing your program.

Tuesday 3:30 PM:

It’s late in the day, so keep your juices flowing by participating in a session on key issues around technology purchases in Milano Ballrooms I & II (#084). Two senior and highly experienced knowledge management practitioners lead an interactive event that could also be useful for CIO / CTO or other technology managers.

  • V. Mary Abraham

  • Sally Gonzalez - Norton Rose Fulbright

    How confident are you that your technology purchases are fully vetted, sound investments? Participate in this interactive session as we identify common pitfalls — from the needs assessment to implementation — and share sure-fire ways to avoid them.

Tuesday 4:30 PM:

Your brain is now tired.  Grab a beverage and refresh body, mind, and soul by networking with KM peers at the first KM reception, sponsored by Box and the ILTA KM Peer Group, at the “Palace Pre-Function” area outside of the Palace Ballroom (RSVP here).

Tuesday evening is the ILTA Awards Dinner, which includes an award for one of the three short-listed KM Professionals among others.

Wednesday September 1

Wednesday 9:00 AM:

I don’t have a strong KM recommendation here, although the Spark Talks (#094) in Neapolitan I-II and the third keynote “Making More of Your Time Count” both look interesting.

Wednesday 11:00 AM:

I am presenting (ahem) on a panel “The Best of Business Intelligence:  Stories of Success” in Roman I (#100); however, the best KM session in this slot is more likely #099 “Fail Forward: Failure As a Foundation for Success”, in Milano Ballrooms V & VI.  The brave speakers are:

  • Marybeth Corbett - WilmerHale

  • Scott Rechtschaffen - Littler Mendelson, P.C.

  • Peggy Lahammer - Gray, Plant, Mooty, Mooty & Bennett

  • Chrisma Starr - Exelon Corporation

    Last year's "Failure Party" session was such a success that we decided to do it again! Our panel of experienced IT and KM professionals will share lessons learned from projects that didn't go exactly as planned. We revisit this topic in 2015 with a new panel of presenters, moderated again by Scott Rechtschaffen. Join us to learn how to view your failures as foundations for success! And if you're brave enough, bring your own lessons learned to share with your peers.

Wednesday 1:30 PM:

A lineup of strong speakers makes part of the case for “Revolutionary Integrations: It’s a Technology Mashup!”in Roman Ballroom II, #116.  Learn about cutting-edge efforts to make technology and new processes simpler for attorneys.

  • Meredith L. Williams, JD - Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz

  • Jeffrey S. Rovner - O'Melveny & Myers LLP

  • Ginevra Saylor - Dentons

    Attorneys need information about their matters from a variety of sources, and the days of having to jump from one tool or system to the next are over! See how firms are enabling collaboration, matter management and project management by strategically fitting together technologies to create a single platform where attorneys can create, collaborate, share and retrieve knowledge. They are simplifying the way attorneys access and interact with dozens of different technologies and creating next-generation systems designed to support and streamline attorney workflows. See firsthand how they are making it happen!

Wednesday 3:30 PM:

Go next door to Roman Ballroom IV to hear about “Law Firm KM Solutions for Law Departments”,  #132, featuring:

  • Philip Bryce - Mayer Brown LLP

  • Rachelle Rennagel - White & Case LLP

  • Scott Reid - Littler Mendelson, P.C.

    Some law firms are working with their clients to set up and support law department knowledge management (KM) efforts by providing consultation, content or both. Here we will address how law firm KM professionals can start knowledge management efforts at law departments and how law departments can benefit from partnering with their law firms to jumpstart or even outsource their KM programs.

Wednesday 4:30 PM:

Stay in Roman IV and join law department and KM colleagues for a reception sponsored by HighQ and the ILTA KM Peer Group.

Thursday September 3

Thursday 9:00 AM:

ThreadKM is a product that enables matter-focused social-network-style collaboration in legal organizations. With “KM” in the vendor and product name I can’t leave it off the list.  Florentine Ballroom III & IV, #137.


  • Dan Hauck - ThreadKM

  • John Grant - The Agile Attorney

    Have you heard about real-time team chat applications like Slack or Hipchat? Have you wondered what a "kanban" board is and how it makes project management simple for lawyers? Learn how these technologies found in ThreadKM can transform the way you and your attorneys work: get more done with much less email, better document management system utilization and happier users. Bring your mobile devices and laptops for this hands-on demonstration.

I expect that there will also be a KM component to the “Fast and Furious” presentations by Distinguished Peer Award Nominees, in the Augustus Ballroom (#key4.)

Thursday 11 AM

A tossup here in KM terms between #139, “Leveraging Technology To Deliver Better Assessments of Legal Risk” and #144 “Best Practices for Secure External Collaboration.”

  1. #139 “Leveraging Technology To Deliver Better Assessments of Legal Risk”

This intriguing panel, in Roman Ballroom I, goes to the core of one key facet of legal services provision, risk assessment, and looks at how technology might improve how lawyers analyze and deliver evaluations of legal risk.

  • Deborah P. Baron - Align Matters

  • Brett Tarr - Caesars Entertainment Legal Department

  • M. James Daley - Seyfarth Shaw LLP

    Fundamentally, lawyers are risk managers, and we need to conduct and deliver better assessments of legal risk. Join an expert panel as they discuss how to accomplish this by leveraging existing and new technologies, and by borrowing principles used in business for assessing risk, such as quantifying risk and cost using modeling, analytics and projections.

  1. #144 “Best Practices for Secure External Collaboration”

Email is no longer, if it ever was, an effective solution for large-scale sustained file transfer and document collaboration. Technology, legal policies, and client considerations are all changing rapidly in the File Sync-and-Share space.  I believe this session will provide many practical takeaways for KM technology managers and others charged with providing effective collaboration tools.

Speaking is Dave Forrestal of CISSP / Security360

All firms want to keep their client files confidential and secure. Financial, health care and other clients expect secure file transfers (even if they send files to you unsecured). Another Outlook plugin is not the answer, and there are many options for secure collaboration. Join us as we highlight various architectures, solutions, strategies and other hot topics in this very active space. Leave with a checklist on how to keep your client data and file transfers secure.

Thursday 1:30 PM (45 minute session)

Another tossup here between a session on informal KM and another on leveraging internal social collaboration tools.

  1. Informal KM

    Knowledge management in many organizations is accomplished in part through professionals whose titles do not expressly value the pursuit of effective KM.  The next session “Guerilla KM”, #151 in Roman I, acknowledges that KM can be effective in a variety of ways even where there is no official “Chief Knowledge Officer.” Speakers are:

  • Kimberly Stein - Thomson Reuters West (moderator)

  • Chad Ergun - Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, L.L.P

  • Dwight Floyd - Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP

  • Silvia Leblanc - Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, L.L.P.

    In many organizations, knowledge management is not an official department or function, or has only recently evolved into one.  Panelists will discuss how they launched successful KM programs, built a grassroots KM movement, or created cross-functional awareness and support for KM initiatives.

  1. Working Out Loud:  Dynamics of Enterprise Collaboration #159 Florentine III /IV

    This session looks at a topic that I have long been interested in but that has gained little traction in private legal organizations, enterprise collaboration tools or “social collaboration” / Enterprise 2.0 approaches to work.

  • Mark Thorogood - Perkins Coie

  • Dan Hauck - ThreadKM

  • Conan Hines - Baker & Hostetler LLP

    Are your users flooded by email? Do they loathe having to find the latest version of a document among a dozen revised drafts being circulated? Have you wondered how other businesses "work out loud" using tools like Slack? If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, this session is for you. Yes, there is a better way to collaborate in the enterprise. We will discuss the dynamics of enterprise collaboration and how social collaboration tools can be used effectively in legal organizations. Hear examples, key takeaways and the pros and cons of working out loud. Skeptics welcome!

Thursday 2:30 PM

No rest for the weary KM student, more choices in this slot.

  1. Build Your Own Google:  Creating an Effective Internal Search Experience, #163

    Search has long been a key focus of knowledge managers, substituting in many instances for potentially vast amounts of unnecessary work product classification and storage.  This panel combines folks from law firms with lots of experience in the trenches and some very savvy representatives from leading enterprise search vendors.

  • Michael Tominna - DLA Piper

  • Derek Schueren - Recommind, Inc.

  • Evan Shenkman, - Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.

  • Sean Coleman - BA Insight

    Join our panel of industry leaders and law firm search experts for an engaging discussion of search for the law firm intranet. We will discuss the importance of an effective search experience, what an ideal search looks like from the perspectives of different stakeholders and best practices you can use regardless of which technology solution you've implemented.

B) Innovation Through Automation:  Implementing Effective Document Assembly #165

Document assembly can be a very effective time-saver and is an early example of a technology that could embody legal knowledge. Come here how to do it well in Roman III. Speakers:

  • Donna Frugoli - Seyfarth Shaw LLP

  • Martha Ridge Breil - McGuireWoods LLP

  • Douglas Freeman - White & Case LLP

    Document assembly applications and the use of templates have been around for quite a while, but adoption has been either slow or non-existent in many legal organizations. Successful firms are finding that there can be innovation through automation, which will be discussed by a panel of representatives from three different law firms. They'll share business drivers and benefits associated with document assembly applications and tips for building a framework for selecting, deploying and implementing a solution.

Thursday 3:30 PM

Leverage, Reuse, Extend: 20 Tips for Repurposing Technology #178

Effective legal KM and legal technology is not always about buying the latest shiny new tool (sorry vendors).  Milano I & II.

  • Chris Boyd - Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, PC

  • Paul C. Wittekind - Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, P.C.

  • Kate Simpson, JD - Bennett Jones LLP

  • Jennifer Mendez - Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.

    As IT and KM leaders, we need to deliver more value without increasing our budgets. Here we'll share 20 ideas on how to get additional benefits from the technology you might already have in place. We'll explore both the “tools” perspective — what is possible with what you already have — and the “goals” perspective — what existing tools you can leverage to accomplish your top goals. Let's get started!

Another session that might be of interest to those focused on document management is Matter Center for Office 365: Boosting Productivity for Legal Professionals,” #178.

All in all , quite a lineup of KM-related sessions and content!

#ILTACON2015 #KnowledgeManagementandSearch
1 comment



08-28-2015 17:26

There's another KM session on Tuesday at 1:30:
Striking the Right Balance: Collaboration vs. Governance
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Does the recent trend towards a pessimistic security model in your document management system require a shift in your knowledge management (KM) efforts? Striking a balance between collaborative KM and governance requirements is an ongoing process, with the "right" answer depending on the client, the firm's culture and any number of additional considerations.
The speakers are Cindy Thurston Bare of Orrick, Beau Mersereau of Fish and me. We promise to bring optimism to your pessimistic security environment.