
Tip of the Week - Kofax PowerPDF - open in tabs or separate instances?

By ILTA Tips posted 03-02-2020 08:48


Kofax PowerPDF (formerly Nuance PowerPDF)

PDF Documents Display in Tabs

With the latest version of PowerPDF, documents can open in tabs, instead of a new window.  However, there are still ways to view a PDF document in a separate instance of PowerPDF instead of a Tab.           Here are three different ways:


By default, multiple PDF documents open in new tabs instead of new windows.

OPTION 1: Documents can be opened in a new instance by clicking and dragging the tab away from the program, and then releasing the tab.



OPTION 2:  Right click on the document tab, and select “Open in New Instance”.



OPTION 3:  To have your documents ALWAYS open in new windows:

Go to File / Options / General / Basic Tools


UN-check the option to Open documents as new tabs within the same window” (requires restart)  (that means JUST restarting the program  NOT your compute!!)


Close and reopen the PowerPDF program.


Submitted by Carol Carmen, PMP
Learning & Development Specialist at Doerner, Saunders, Daniel Y& Anderson

