
But Wait... There's More - Conflicts

By Joanne Kiley posted 07-13-2017 08:35


Last week members discussed conflicts clearing policies, staying abreast of security issues and more. Jump to the “Something Extra” section for blah. Explore curated sources on these topics including some from ILTA’s treasure chest.


Conflicts – the name itself is a bit of a kill joy but we all know that without this important function in a law firm, the business would face a much greater kill joy. Speed, cautiousness and accuracy are needed. A policy and workflow process can assist with the contradictions of speed and cautiousness. The fall 2016 Peer to Peer article, “The Business of Avoiding Business Conflicts” offers best practices steps and considerations and recommends technology tools to assist with the process. Next the spring 2017 Peer to Peer best practices article, “Raising Your Conflicts Technology Game,” offers ways to improve your workflow and data challenges with some simple steps. The author, Stuart Poole, recommends addressing workflow and data issues before applying new technology. It’s a quick read that can up your conflicts game.  As for those data challenges, a review of the recordings for Best Practices for Attorney and Matter Mobility and Matters from Laterals will give you ideas for addressing data.

Know Your Security

Even if your title does not include the word security you know you should keep up with security news, concerns and solutions. ILTA member, Kevin Svec, recently reminded members of the benefits of joining the LegalSEC community. Be a lurker, read the daily digest and scan for what you need to know. And if you have something to share, please contribute to the discussion! In the last two weeks, members have asked about and shared information about breaches, virus scanning products, notification tools, security policies, etc. Members contributed 40 comments to the Petya/NotPetya discussion. Login to ILTA, and join the LegalSEC Community today. 

SOMETHING EXTRA – A Review of WannaCry and Petya

On Tuesday, Seth Hallem, CEO of Mobile Helix wrote a compelling piece on the recent cyberattacks, OS responses and rethinking our approach. He said, “It has been over 30 years since Microsoft Windows was first released. The World has changed, and our model for computing must change as well. That starts with OS vendors like Microsoft and Apple rethinking the assumptions made at the system level about trust.” Read his guest post in Legal IT Insider, “Ransomware Exposes a Flawed Desktop Computing Model – and Why iOS is Better.”

As ILTA’s content curator, I’m always monitoring the discussion forums to discover what topics are top-of-mind among the members. Each week, I focus on a few areas that spark your interest, and I provide some curated resources to assist your own information-gathering on the topics. If there are specific topics you would like assistance exploring, please contact me at

