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Why Using a Case Chronology Tool is Essential to Building your Best-Case Strategy

By Natasha Doucas posted 06-29-2021 16:51


Please enjoy this blog post tip authored by Natasha Doucas, Business Development Executive, Ricoh Canada Inc.

Good organization of case details is critical when building a strong case strategy. A case chronology and timeline tool will organize and prioritize your case information when preparing witnesses and in preparation for trial. It provides clarity and connects all the pieces of your case.

There are many tools out there that will help you build a Chronology. For the purposes of this article I will focus on Relativity Case Dynamics.

Case Chronology

Using a chronological tool provides a “who said what, when, and why” timeline of a case which helps to understand the cause and effect of those events and how they are related. Seeing which facts fall under a particular issue or linking documents and research to the questions you will ask of a witness all contribute to building your storyline and strengthen your case. This ability also gives the legal team the “big picture” view while having the capability to conduct a deeper dive on the details and uncovering any potential gaps in the storyline

Case details must first be compiled in a way to create an outline. Various pieces of information that form this outline stem from:

  • Key facts and dates
  • People implicated
  • Organizations involved
  • Documentation that either support or counter the key facts

Relativity Case Dynamics’ Fact View

Connections or linkages can be made to strengthen this outline and solidify your stance in the case. The power of your story lies within the connections made between people, the facts, documents, and excerpts. The legal issues you create to categorize, prioritize, or flag these connections can also be color coded to create a clearer visual representation of these associations.  Additional information that can be linked within your case are:

  • Legal issues
  • Extracts from legal research or citations
  • Transcripts and excerpts

A Visual Timeline

Once you’ve assembled your case outline, you can take your presentation of the storyline even further with a visual graphic representation of your chronology of facts. The Timeline provides many benefits from visually seeing a flow of events, identify patterns of behaviour that aid in case strategy, helps in preparing witnesses for trial and even can serve as an illustrative exhibit during trial.  When you want to see more details about the facts, simply click on the Fact bubble in your Timeline view.

Relativity Case Dynamics – Timeline View

Make it easier on yourself and ditch the paper note trail. Move to an electronic form of Chronology building and consider the time and money saved with a tool that automates the process, updates on the fly and allows for improved collaboration with your legal team and witnesses.

Read more about Relativity’s chronology tool Case Dynamics here.

