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PDF Shootout Takeaways

By Seth Silapasvang posted 04-08-2019 07:47

I have the pleasure of not just introducing but also participating in what looks to be an extremely popular new format to present, compare, and answer live questions in a head-to-head roundtable discussion, we have proclaimed as The PDF Shootout

The PDF landscape has been a wide-ranging, yet narrow band of competition all with the single goal of toppling the giant that started it all, Adobe Acrobat.  While Acrobat has been upheld for many years as the one tool that true enterprise-level firms cannot do without, recent changes and/or advancements in technology and user knowledge/experience has allowed what was once viewed as an unreachable pinnacle to become surmountable.

From our membership, we put together a team of usability experts to discuss what platform they are using for PDFs, why the move away from Acrobat, and what benefits or deficiencies they realized when moving to the new platform. Dave Deopersaud, Holt Satterfield, Kevin Svec, Aaron Barbee, Rex Balboa, and myself, Seth Silapasvang joined in what was one of the most well-attended discussions any of us have been a part of.  A multitude of different options were presented and discussed, while many more questions were answered both in presentation and chat.

Using information gathered and some available quick comparison, the team put together a wonderful comparison chart that they are proud to deliver to our membership. It is with the ability to pull from our membership the fantastic experience our pool of knowledge gathers that make such detailed work beyond a sales pitch from one company possible. 

We fully anticipate using the Shootout format for other subject matter. In addition, we also anticipate multiple rounds of any comparison, especially of this magnitude. There is no way to compress so many different ways one can use a piece of software into just one hour of programming. So, be on the lookout for more from the PDF Shootout team as well as other Shootout topics in the future.

Also, attached are the answers to the Q&A portion of the chat - PDF Shootout Questions.pdf
Here are the slides from the presentation in PDF format - Slides_from_PDF_Shootout_Virtual_Roundtable.pdf
Here is the Comparison Document mentioned in the presentation:  PDF_Comparison_Doctument.pdf




04-19-2019 08:27

This session was created by one of our speakers a while back, not by the group that presented, but since then we have updated the grid to include pdfDocs. The updated grid is attached. @Barry Steinberg​​ @Heather Morrow​​

04-10-2019 11:00

​Thanks for sharing the grid - I could not attend the session.  I guess pdfDocs was not included in this round-table - as it did not make the grid.

04-09-2019 12:00

​great session and takeaways - why is DocsCorp' pdfDocs not included in grid?