
Investing in Your Career

By Tracey Pardo posted 09-19-2017 09:47


“Mom I don’t want to go to school..” We are all familiar with that lament.  As children, we do not understand the importance of education and the value that it will bring to your life and career. 

It used to be that you would finish school and begin your career and you were done.  No need to further your education or get any kind of certifications.  That is not the case in today’s market.  You always have to be continually updating your knowledge.

Now that you have decided to seek out continuing education where and what types do you look for?  Do you take it that one-step further and get a certification in your area of specialty? Are there benefits of either?  Can you get your employer to pay? 

In the attached PowerPoint (see below), I cover briefly the questions above and give some guidance. 

Whatever type of investment you choose in your career just be committed to it and not give up if it seems too out of reach.  “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin


Tracey Pardo


