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Please enjoy this tip by Ian McCormick, Manager of IT Development and Events, ILTA. If you need instant transcription of a Audio File, Word Online now allows you to upload a file, and it will transcribe, mark speaker changes, and provide timemarks. You can use video files, just make sure they are small or office will kick you out. #ProfessionalDevelopment #Microsoft #Firm
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MWhile reviewing my conference session description for ILTA 2014, I started to think about Big Data. Do I really know and understand what big data is and how it plays a part in marketing? So, I decided to do a deeper dive for more information and came across this article by Lisa Arthur of Forbes magazine called “ What is Big Data ”. According to Lisa, Big Data can be seen as a scary thing to some marketers but it’s really the same data we’ve always used. It is powerful but controllable. Basically, big data is a combination of traditional and digital sources for discovery and analysis. OK. I got that. She went on to discuss the i mportant ...
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Using LPM To Keep AFAs Profitable Join us for this Webinar on Friday, January 25, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. GMT / 12:00 p.m. EST / 11:00 a.m. CST/ 10:00 a.m. MST / 9:00 a.m. PST. Description: Now that it is clear that new billing arrangements and competitive pricing are here to stay, firms are working to find ways to maintain their bottom lines. One promising method for meeting this challenge is legal project management (LPM). LPM offers a systematic method to evaluate and price matters, and provides cost control mechanisms throughout the management of the engagement to promote a decent level of profitability. What is most ...
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There is nothing quite like an ILTA conference to re-energize you (no pun intended, AC/DC). Learning, networking, brainstorming, tweeting, idea-sharing . . . it’s enough to make a person want to blog. In fact, here I am in new territory, motivated by the countless sessions I attended where folks were either tweeting content live or taking notes for their blogs. How do they do it, I wondered. Well, it turns out it’s kind of easy – you find a topic you’re passionate about and the words start flowing. I went into the Gaylord already thinking about what I’d take back to work at the end of the week (and I’m not just talking about requests for stress balls). How ...
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Be cautious and frugal in your use of reflexive pronouns, those little jewels “myself,” “yourself,” “herself,” etc. They can only be used correctly when they reflect a preceding noun or pronoun. They should NEVER be used when you’re afraid to use the word “me.” Let’s look at some examples of proper usage. CORRECT USAGE: I myself am not a huge fan of reflexive pronouns. Karen rewarded herself with a visit to the spa. We returned the stolen merchandise to the owner himself . Note: In all the examples, the “self” pronoun is preceded by a noun or pronoun. Reflexive pronouns are used to provide emphasis and should therefore ...
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Write Beside Me: Subject/Verb Agreement I hope to contribute regularly to this blog dubbed “ Write Beside Me .” In this forum, I’ll provide tips to improve your writing. Many of the posts will provide brief grammar lessons. Here’s one now ;-) You learned at a very early age the importance of subject/verb agreement; and when you write simple, declarative sentences, you’ll likely stay out of trouble. The more complex the sentence structure, the more prone you are to errors when aligning those subjects with their corresponding singular or plural verbs. I’ll touch on this topic in more detail in other posts, and for today’s grammar lesson, I’ll focus on the ...