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Please enjoy this blog post co-authored by Kristin Rhodes, Director of Practice Management, Paul Hastings LLP and Mike Ertel, Practice Innovation and Knowledge Attorney, Paul Hastings LLP. Have you started your career in legal (attorney, paralegal, etc.) and don’t want to be a timekeeper forever? Keep reading to learn about the world of opportunities in Legal Operations. According to CLOC, Legal Operations (or legal ops) “describes a set of business processes, activities, and the professionals who enable legal departments to serve their clients more effectively by applying business and technical practices to the delivery of legal services. Legal ops provide ...
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Please enjoy this blog post co-authored by Damian Priamurskiy, Project Management & Delivery Specialist, Lowenstein Sandler LLP and Mike Ertel, Practice Innovation and Knowledge Attorney, Paul Hastings LLP. Introduction Process mapping uses visual representation to document, analyze, and improve business processes. Its roots can be traced back to the time-and-motion studies conducted by Frederick Winslow Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, who sought to optimize industrial efficiency. One of the first studies was titled “Process Charts, First Steps in Finding the One Best Way to Do Work” published in 1921 by industrial engineer and efficiency ...
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Please enjoy this blog post by Stephanie Carty, Senior Manager, Real Estate Practice Group. "I finally figured it out", my sister sighed into the phone. "It's ADHD." As frustrations around focus, time management, overwhelm and disorganization mounted, my sister was running out of patience. She is a talented attorney who is well liked and respected, but she has one major adversary: Herself. The fast paced and demanding day of a big law associate is challenging enough, but enduring additional unexplained focus and attention struggles can make the workload feel insurmountable. At the end of her rope, my sister sat for neurological testing, and the results ...
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Please enjoy this blog post co-authored by Damian Priamurskiy, Project Management & Delivery Specialist, Lowenstein Sandler LLP and Sachin Gupta, Practice Innovation Attorney, Paul Weiss Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP. Innovation has become a cornerstone of success in the legal industry, driving efficiency, improving client outcomes, and reshaping traditional practices. How can law firms measure if their innovation efforts are translating into financial gains? This blog post delves into the intricacies of measuring profitability in innovation, understanding value in technology, and navigating the complexities of law firm profitability. At the ...
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Please enjoy this blog post co-authored by Kristin Rhodes, Director of Practice Management, Paul Hastings LLP and Mike Ertel, Practice Innovation and Knowledge Attorney, Paul Hastings LLP. “I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.” Written over 350 years ago by French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal—who surely never envisioned how e-mail would simplify instantaneous communication across oceans, yet his concept rings more true today than ever before. In business, emails significantly impact our relationships and how we get things done, yet we often take their daily usage for granted. On the positive side, emails allow ...
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Please enjoy this blog post co-authored by Stephanie Carty, Practice Manager, Troutman Pepper and Virginia Ong, Legal Innovation Manager, Greenberg Traurig. In the fast-paced, detail-oriented world of legal practice management, effective organization and information management are not just conveniences—they are necessities. Amidst the many tools available, Microsoft's OneNote stands out as a versatile and powerful ally. This digital notebook application goes beyond simple notetaking, offering a suite of features that can revolutionize the way information is stored, shared, collaborated and utilized. While the benefits of OneNote are clear, transitioning ...
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Please enjoy this blog post that is co-authored by Bill Bice, CEO, nQ Zebraworks and David Schrag, Senior Director of Information Technology, Faber Daeufer & Itrato PC. The benefits of low-code platforms are garnering more attention in IT departments and innovation groups in law firms. There is a seemingly endless need for administrative, practice area-specific and client-facing applications that will improve operational efficiency and build stickier relationships with clients. • Faster Deployment : Given the right process, low-code platforms can reduce the time to develop and deploy applications due to their drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built ...
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Please enjoy this co-authored blog by Michelle Conn, Sr. Director of Operations, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP and Kristin Rhodes, Senior Practice Manager, Paul Hastings LLP Administrative services at law firms have long been evolving alongside technological advancements; support services need to keep up with new tools to deliver services most efficiently. The pandemic added additional complexities by jumpstarting a new remote culture. Law firms have been adapting to these changes in a variety of ways. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Michelle Conn, Sr. Director of U.S. Operations at Akin, to discuss how Akin quickly pivoted to meet ...
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