
  Thread Subject Replies Last Post Status
Intapp Conflicts/Intake and 3E Cloud Go-Live Schedule
0 2 months ago by Elizabeth Zenon
Auditing parties - process?
0 2 months ago by Amy Sanderson
ILTACON Get together?
0 4 months ago by Amy Sanderson
Outside Counsel Guidelines
0 4 months ago by Michael Aginsky
Department Size
8 4 months ago by Amy Sanderson
Original post by Elizabeth Zenon
Conflicts and Intake for Small Firms
2 4 months ago by Brian Bergquist
CLE for Conflicts Professionals
1 5 months ago by Elizabeth Zenon
Original post by Danielle LoPiccolo
Go-To Resources
1 5 months ago by Elizabeth Zenon
Original post by Amy Sanderson
BIC Training for Secretaries - What do you do?
0 5 months ago by Amy Sanderson
Conflicts report
1 8 months ago by Danielle LoPiccolo
Original post by Elaine Null
15 8 months ago by Elaine Null
Original post by Danielle LoPiccolo