Business Intake and Conflicts

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  • 1.  Welcome!

    Posted 10-17-2023 09:18

    Good morning, Business Intake and Conflicts friends,

    I look forward to supporting this group and helping to create a space where you can share your challenges, experience and best practices in all topics regarding the Business intake processes at your organizations.  I'm new to this field and personally have a lot to learn but I know a thing or two about building community and bringing people together.  Please invite your teams and peers to join this space.  I encourage you to reply to this "Welcome" post with a bit about yourself, what you hope to gain from this community and what your current "hot project" is.  Welcome!

    Dani LoPiccolo
    Burns & Levinson, LLP
    Senior Director of Information Governance
    Boston MA
    Team Coordinator, ILTACON Planning Committee

  • 2.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-17-2023 10:42


    I'm a conflict coordinator at a mid-size law firm in Boston. I've held this position since 2011. I come to the field of conflicts with more than 20 years of Library research.  My Firm is currently using Aderant for conflicts. We are testing INTAPP & hope to go live with this workflow next month. I'm looking forward to becoming a part of a larger conflict's community.  

    Pauline E. Hennrikus

    Conflicts Coordinator

    D  617.345.3245 


    Burns & Levinson LLP 
    125 High Street  Boston, MA 02110

    P  617.345.3000  |  F  617.345.3299


    Pauline Hennrikus
    Burns & Levinson, LLP
    Conflicts Coordinator
    Boston MA United States
    Number of Attorneys: 135
    Number of Offices: 4

  • 3.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-17-2023 10:42

    Thank you Dani for starting this community! I've been in the legal community for 17 years with a primary focus on conflicts and business intake and a secondary focus in digital file transfer, storage and retention. Looking forward to gaining new perspectives and connecting with professionals in the business intake and conflicts field. My current focus is geared towards implementing agreed upon outside counsel guidelines in order to streamline conflict searching processes. Looking forward to sharing challenges, experiences and best practices!

    Don Harris
    Stinson LLP
    Senior Business Engagement Manager
    Kansas City MO United States
    Number of Attorneys: 450
    Number of Offices: 12

  • 4.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-17-2023 10:42

    Good morning, 

    Thank you so much. Happy to be here. 

    Renae Harris
    Alston & Bird
    New Business Intake Manager
    Atlanta GA United States
    Number of Attorneys: 900
    Number of Offices: 13

  • 5.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-17-2023 11:31

    Thanks for starting up this group Danielle.  Desperately needed!  

    Jim Shoemaker
    Miles & Stockbridge P.C.
    Chief Legal Operations Officer
    Baltimore MD United States
    Number of Attorneys: 212
    Number of Offices: 8

  • 6.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-17-2023 14:09

    Thank you for helping creating this community!

    It's been a couple of years since I've worked directly with conflicts/business intake. I am looking forward to getting updated on best practices and learn what firms of similar size of mine are doing for business intake. 

    Priscila Martins
    Verrill Dana, LLP
    Director of Information Governance
    Boston MA United States
    Number of Attorneys: 140
    Number of Offices: 4

  • 7.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-17-2023 16:14

    Thanks for starting this group!  Happy to be here.  My firm uses Intapp Conflicts, and I supervise the conflict-checking for new business and lateral hiring.  I've been in Ethics since 2008, prior to that I was a legal research attorney (Judicial Law Clerk) for an appellate court.  Glad to be here!


    Jen Hatchett
    Honigman LLP
    Director of Legal Ethics
    Detroit MI United States
    Number of Attorneys: 347
    Number of Offices: 8

  • 8.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-17-2023 16:14

    Thanks for starting the group.  I am eager to hear all discussions.

    I am new to business intake and conflicts with 3 years in this field now, but I come with over 20 years of research experience, including extensive company research, at a professional services firm.


    Jodi Cecchi

    Stikeman Elliott

    Conflicts & Compliance Analyst

    Toronto, Ontario

    Jodi Cecchi
    Stikeman Elliott LLP
    Ethical Wall Coordinator
    Toronto ON Canada
    Number of Attorneys: 440
    Number of Offices: 8

  • 9.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-17-2023 17:05

    Hi Danielle.


    Thank you for creating this special group.  There seems to be a dire need for such a community and I hope we can all make good use of it by exchanging ideas collectively.


    Michael King
    Arent Fox Schiff LLP
    Director Loss Prevention and Office Support
    Chicago IL United States
    Number of Attorneys: 620
    Number of Offices: 8

  • 10.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-18-2023 08:58

    Good morning!  Happy to be a part of this group.

    Linda Koonce
    Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
    Senior Conflicts Analyst
    Vanceboro NC United States
    Number of Attorneys: 170
    Number of Offices: 2

  • 11.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-18-2023 11:11


    I manage IT at a mid-size litigation boutique in Chicago.  We recently upgraded our finance, conflicts and case management to Aderant Expert Sierra and Case.  Our case intake procedures are manual and we will be working with Aderant on a case intake workflow next year.  Happy to be a part of this discussion group.

    Kim Wasielewski
    Cassiday Schade LLP
    IT Operations and Project Manager
    Chicago IL United States
    Number of Attorneys: 95
    Number of Offices: 10

  • 12.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-18-2023 17:10

    Hello! Thank you for creating this space. I recently moved to a new firm that uses Aderant, but we are looking into other software. I just left a firm that used 3E/Elite software. I look forward to hearing what other firms are using. I have 2 years Conflicts experience and 20 years Firm library experience. 

    Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, P.C.
    Conflicts Director
    Morristown United States
    Number of Attorneys: 90
    Number of Offices: 5

  • 13.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-23-2023 10:37

    Yes, thank you Danielle. 

    I'm with a mid-sized firm in Central Pa.  We have two analysts and use Fulcrum's Upfront solution for Business Intake and Conflicts.  Looking forward to getting to know and work with you all. 

    - Amy  

    Amy Noll
    McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC
    Conflicts Analyst
    Harrisburg PA United States
    Number of Attorneys: 160
    Number of Offices: 10

  • 14.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-24-2023 10:04

    Thank You Danielle,

    I am a Senior Conflicts Specialist at a large firm in Atlanta.   We use Intapp for Business intake in conjunction with Aderant.  We have a team of 8.

    Kai Williams-Slaton
    Alston & Bird
    Senior Conflicts Specialist
    Atlanta GA United States
    Number of Attorneys: 900
    Number of Offices: 13

  • 15.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 10-26-2023 12:23

    Good morning.  I'm the Director of Risk Management for a mid-sized firm in Wilmington, Delaware overseeing conflicts, ethics, and NBI.  We're currently using an old version of Intapp Open.  I'm looking to upgrade our software and streamline workflow.  Would be happy to chat with any willing participants regarding tips, pitfalls, etc.  Thanks for allowing me to join the group!

    Brian Cunningham
    Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
    Director of Risk Management
    Wilmington DE United States
    Number of Attorneys: 105
    Number of Offices: 3

  • 16.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted 11-17-2023 16:53

    I'm very happy to see this group and look forward to sharing ideas. We're on Elite 3E (since 2008), using their NBI/conflicts and their conflicts report. 

    Elaine Null
    Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O.
    Director of Finance
    Omaha NE United States
    Number of Attorneys: 108
    Number of Offices: 1