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Continuing the Discussion - Changing Knowledge Management Priorities
Knowledge management (KM) constantly evolves -- in fact, many of us were engaging in it before we even knew the term. Today, KM includes "original KM" such as precedents, forms and PSLs, and "new KM" such as data analytics, artificial intelligence and practice economics. In this virtual roundtable, an experienced panel will lead an audience discussion on these changing priorities. With several polls planned to solicit your views and your active participation, we look forward to a lively conversation.
You may wish to view our previous webinar, Starting and Optimizing Knowledge Management Programs: Perspectives Across the Spectrum, and download key takeaways from Continuing the Discussion - Starting a Knowledge Management Program.
Ron Friedmann, a Partner at Fireman & Company, advises law firms and law departments on strategic and operational issues and improves practice efficiency with knowledge management, legal project management, outsourcing, process improvement and legal technology. A law school graduate with over 25 years of legal market experience, Ron has previously worked for the Integreon executive team, Mintz Levin as CIO, Wilmer Cutler as head of practice support and as a director at two legal software companies. He has also been a Bain & Company strategy consultant and an analyst for an economic forecasting firm. Ron is a Fellow and former trustee of the College of Law Practice Management, co-organizes the leading annual private legal KM summit and regularly writes and speaks on his specialties.
Lucy Endel Bassli oversees Microsoft's legal operations and a centralized contracting office, specializing in process efficiency and automation. She joined the company's legal department in 2004, providing legal support to the central procurement organization globally across all lines of business. Focusing on complex and global outsourcing contracts, Lucy gained firsthand experience in outsourcing by engaging an outsourced legal services provider to assist with high-volume contract transactions. She has launched a new managed services engagement with law firms and recently moved into Microsoft's office of the President to expand legal shared services and implement operational improvements. Prior to joining the company, she practiced law at Davis Wright Tremaine LLP.
Camille Reynolds from Fenwick & West LLP leads the firm's knowledge management, risk management, research & intelligence and information governance teams. The KM team ensures that the firm's collective experience and expertise are captured and applied for the benefit of clients. Camille facilitates the development of efficient processes combined with knowledge bases to enable innovative delivery of high-value legal services. She was previously the director of knowledge management at Nossaman LLP, where she built a team from the ground up combining library, records, risk management and knowledge management functions into one cohesive service group, led the development of the firm's first Intranet and implemented a competitive intelligence program.
Richard Robbins is the Director of Knowledge Management at Sidley Austin LLP, where he leads firm-wide knowledge management efforts and is a member of a group of people who identify, assess and, when appropriate, introduce innovative technology to the firm's practice. He serves as a bridge to the global legal knowledge management and legal artificial intelligence communities. Before assuming his current position with Sidley in 2016, Richard was the general counsel and corporate secretary for Morningstar, Inc. Prior to that, he was a partner at Sidley and was previously an associate in the firm's corporate and securities practice. Before attending law school, Richard worked for Digital Equipment Corporation as a senior software engineer in their artificial intelligence technology center.