What is Copilot and Why is Information Governance in Copilot Important?

When:  Apr 12, 2024 from 12:00 to 13:00 (ET)

12pm EDT, 9am PDT

Microsoft Copilot requires firms to deal with subjects they have not been keen to deal with such as information governance. We will explore what Copilot is, the architecture behind it, how it works, and the policies and changes you need to make before rolling it out to users.  


Ann Halkett, Director SOLVED eDiscovery Services, a division of AHBL MLP, Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP


John Collins, Managing Director and Investment Committee Member, Lighthouse eDiscovery

Jamie Brown, Vice President of Information Governance, Lighthouse eDiscovery 

Kassi Burns, Senior Attorney, King & Spalding

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