Using Financial Planning and Analysis to Align BI Reporting and Workflows with Business Strategy

When:  Oct 12, 2023 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)


Are your Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards and smart workflows designed with strategic outcomes in mind?

Are they taking you closer to achieving goals like operational change, M&A or continued organic growth?

Accessing data from across the firm has never been easier, but without a clear direction about the impact you want to achieve, it is hard to multiplex cross-departmental information and deliver it in the most optimal way to inform and prompt the right actions. Reports and workflows must drive the delivery of strategy.

In this Masterclass, we will look at BI dashboards and smart workflows through the lens of financial planning and analysis to help you communicate and act on insights that matter. During the session, we look at questions you need to ask before solution design, identifying key actors who contribute to the desired outcomes, considerations to determine the engine you use to communicate insights and measures to evaluate the impact of actions.


• Identifying your firm’s strategic goals
• Key actors and their contributions to achieving it
• Engines to communicate insights and trigger actions
• Measuring impact


Michael Turner is Pinnacle’s Head of Business Intelligence
Sam Sheldon is Pinnacle’s Principal Consultant – FP&A

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