Unleashing the Power of Generative AI in Legal: Tackling Challenges and Seizing Opportunities

When:  Jun 14, 2023 from 13:00 to 14:00 (ET)

Everyone is talking about the transformative effect of generative AI, but how can you responsibly take advantage of its potential? Join panelists from a 2023 LegalSEC Summit session to discover how AI is impacting law firms, in-house legal teams, and legal tech companies alike. Our experts will cover topics such as workflows and use cases, strategies for security, and navigating the maze of ethical, regulatory, and privacy aspects of implementing AI.

Open Mic Discussion: After our panel's conversation, we're excited to invite all attendees to join a lively open discussion. Share your thoughts, experiences, and insights about OpenAI and LLMs in the legal world. It's the perfect chance to learn from your peers, ask burning questions, and deepen your understanding of implementing thistechnology in your own legal practice or organization.

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