Please join ILTA's quarterly meeting for professionals in IT Education & Training, moderated by your ILTA Special Interest Group Steering Committee. This month the ILTA Education & Training SIG will once again be teaming up with LTC4's Global Digital Learning Network (GDLN) and Document Excellence Group (DEG) for a joint virtual meeting.
Our topics for this meeting are Time Capture - Resistance or acceptance? and Voice Recognition - is this the end of typing? We know that many of you are actively involved in delivering training on both these technologies right now. This meeting will be an opportunity to share your views, discuss the challenges and solutions.
This is a fantastic opportunity to share your ideas, pick your peers' brains and build connections with other IT education, learning and training professionals.
This meeting is free to attend and open to anyone working in a law firm or legal department, so feel free to invite a colleague. There is no cost to attend and much to be gained!
Please note SIG meetings are specifically designed to foster healthy group conversation with questions that are discussion driven. We encourage attendance from those willing to share ideas and contribute to the discussion.
Zoom details will be sent to all attendees 48 hours before the event.