Troy Dunham is an Attorney licensed in California and an electronic discovery veteran. Troy has worked in eDiscovery since 1999 focusing on litigation readiness, meet-and-confer (FRCP 26(f)) sessions, collection, processing, review, and production. As a technologist with multiple technical certifications, Troy brings full-spectrum, hands-on eDiscovery experience to his engagements. As an executive, Troy brings perseverance, grit, and vision paired with exceptional leadership skills. "People want to be on whatever bus Troy is driving. They want to go where Troy leads them." Through his extensive technical and legal experience, Troy is able to create custom discovery strategies and legally defensible workflows to resolve clients’ cases while saving time and money. Over the past decade, he has worked on more than a thousand matters, including regulatory investigations and multi-billion dollar lawsuits involving hundreds of custodians and terabytes of data. He has participated in numerous meet-and-confer sessions, negotiated protective orders, drafted document preservation and production protocols, and participated in depositions of expert (FRCP 30(b)(6)) witnesses. Troy is licensed to practice law in the US District Court for the Northern District of California, and is a member of the American Bar Association Section of Science & Technology e-Discovery and Digital Evidence Committee. Troy’s expertise has allowed him to author several articles on discovery and forensics. In addition, he frequently speaks on e-discovery and litigation technology topics – including lectures and webinars about advanced document review techniques, CLE programs and more.
Specialties: Electronic discovery, e-discovery, ediscovery, document preservation, EDRM