
But Wait... There's More

By Joanne Kiley posted 02-18-2016 15:45


This past week members sought advice on task management tools, mobile device management policies and more. Explore curated sources on these topics including some from ILTA’s treasure chest.

Task Management Tools

When your attorneys outgrow Outlook’s task management functions, where do you turn for the right solution for your organization? Many ILTA peers recommended tools ranging from simple task managers to advanced legal project management tools. ILTA members and staff compiled the Project Management and LPM Tools Matrix in the Project Management Community and General Membership Community shared files. Some members have re-used case management tools for task management purposes. The matrix and this list of task management and case management tools with links to product overviews and reviews might help in your selection process.

ToDoist for Business: Review and Product Overview

Appfluence Priority Matrix for Business: Review and Product Overview

Trello: Review and Product Overview

Planning Blox: Product Overview and Release Information

EclipsePPM: Review and Product Overview

Deltek: Product Overview

JobTraQ: Case Studies and Product Overview

threadKM: Review and Product Overview

Allegorylaw: Case management tool. Review and Product Overview

FactBox: Case management tool: Review and Product Overview

ZilicusPM: Review and Product Overview

Depending on the product you choose, consider “Proving and Improving the Value of LPM” for best practices recommendations on implementing your new tool.

Mobile Device Management Policies

MDM policies keep evolving as security threats continue to expand. Your policy may require frequent review and updates. “Our Mobile Workforce” Peer to Peer issue has many beneficial feature articles. Before drafting or updating your MDM policy, place the Best Practices pieces, “The Practices, Pitfalls and Policies of a Post-BYOD World” and “From Blurred to Secured: Four Steps to a Better BYOD Policy,” on your “must read” list.


SOMETHING EXTRA – ILTA Track at LegalTech New York, Help Desk Calls and Cindy MacBean’s summary of the E-Discovery ROI Teleforum.

If you missed the ILTA Track at LegalTech New York, do not despair. Catch the recordings and slides for “What’s That? The Newest and Coolest in Legal Technology,” “Pioneering Law Firms: Breakthroughs and Efficiencies in Service Delivery” and “Marrying Corporate IT and Law Departments: An ROI Built in Heaven.”

ILTA members continue to contribute helpful content. Peter Qumsiyeh shared analysis of Help Desk Calls in the Tip of the Week. This information can help with the selection, deployment and training on new tools in your firm.   

ROI + E-Discovery = Eager ILTA’ns. Cindy MacBean hosted a teleforum on the ROI of e-discovery in December. Many could attend but those who could not attend asked for a summary. Cindy delivered! Find the summary in the Litigation Support Community discussion forum. You must be a member of this community or join this community to access the summary. Cindy also encourages people to contact her if you want to learn more on this topic in any educational programming format.

As ILTA’s content curator, I’m always monitoring the discussion forums to discover what topics are top-of-mind among the members. Each week, I focus on a few areas that spark your interest, and I provide some curated resources to assist your own information-gathering on the topics. If there are specific topics you would like assistance exploring, please contact me at

