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Taking Care of Your Health and Wellness During Uncertain Times

By Rachel Shields Williams posted 03-24-2020 13:22

As the United States (and our global friends) quickly converted to working remotely over the course of last week, we have been inundated with tips and articles about how to work from home. We keep hearing that we should keep a schedule. To get dressed every day. Create a work space. Test your Equipment. Be Patient.

But how do you take care of your mental health and wellness during these uncharted times? All day, we are in tight quarters with family, roommates, friends, and pets. The lines between work and our home lives have become even more blurred. So how do you even find the time to take care of yourself? I recommend taking our normal commute time and applying to self-care time. Here are a few ideas I use myself and with my team to help tend to our health and wellness during these uncertain times:
  • Take Breaks. Take several small breaks during the day to practice a few of the items below. In these unprecedented time – the old adage you have to go slow to go fast, rings true. Breaks will help improve your mental attention and reduce painful errors.

  • Exercise. Whether it’s a pushup challenge on Instagram or taking the dog for a walk; try to schedule time to get outside and walk around the block. (While maintaining the appropriate social distance.)

  • Gratitude. Start a gratitude practice. Find three things that you’re grateful for each day. Or make a list of the things you miss and how you will appreciate the annoyances. For example “I will not complain when I don’t get a seat on the metro – it means business are open and kids are headed to school.” For more tips on creating a gratitude practice read this article I recently wrote.

  • Call a Friend. Video call, Zoom, or just a plain ole phone call. Reach out and catch up with a loved one.

  • Mail. Send notes to people to brighten their day, the postal service is still delivering so why not send happy note to make someone’s day, maybe a joke or something you admire about them.

  • Meditate. That meditation practice you have been meaning to try. Now is the time! Find a quiet place and give it a try for 5 minutes. Need help getting started, check out this other article I wrote.

  • Read. Grab that book that you have been meaning to read and take an adventure. Or take turns reading aloud to each other for something a little different.

  • Create. Try doodling, painting, writing, dancing anything creative to activate different parts of your brain. Try to take 5 minutes a day for artistic expression.
