Librarian-Lawyer-Knowledge Management-Competitive Analysis-Computer Programmer.... I've taken the Renaissance Man approach to working in the legal industry and have found it very rewarding.
I have a passion for learning more about the industry, and I'm not afraid to look foolish by blogging on 3 Geeks and a Law Blog, and co-hosting a podcast called The Geek in Review. These are great outlets for me, and it's cheaper than therapy. ( In 2018, I was inducted as a Fellow in the College of Law Practice Management.
My Modus Operandi is to look at unrelated items and create a process that can tie those items together. The overall goal is to make the resulting information better than the individual parts that make it up.
Luckily, I’ve had some pretty good role models along the way that have allowed me to work on such projects as compiling all of the State of Oklahoma’s case law and statutes online while at the Oklahoma Supreme Court (
I’ve helped rebuild a law library collection that was destroyed in a Tropical Storm and manage a FEMA project (and all that that entails!). While working in academia, I got to help law students understand technology and how it effects their practice.
Since 2012 I have been the Chief Knowledge Services Officer at Jackson Walker in Houston, and have built a fantastic team of librarians, research attorneys, and conflicts experts. It's never boring... that's for sure.
So, forever onward and upward!!