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How to Start Using ChatGPT

By Daniel Wood posted 01-05-2024 16:02

Please enjoy this blog authored by Alina Antonov, Senior Information Technology Project Manager, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP and Daniel Wood, Director of Counsel Assistance, Womble Bond Dickinson.
ChatGPT1 stands for Chat Generative Pre-training Transformer. It is a language model developed by OpenAI that started in 2018. The “GPT” part refers to the “Generative Pre-training Transformer” architecture on which the model is based. This architecture generates human-like responses based on the user’s inputs.
The “Chat” part indicates that this model is designed for generating conversational responses. It is trained on a wide range of internet texts. However, unless explicitly provided in the conversation, it does not know specifics about which documents were in its training set or have access to any personal data.
How to create a ChatGPT account?2
For instructions on creating a ChatGPT account, please refer to this link: How to create a ChatGPT account
Limitation of ChatGPT
Limited knowledge of the date that it was trained on. Mitigation: There are many versions of ChatGPT and similar AI products, so asking "Who is the prime minister of the UK?" or any similar time-related questions can help to figure out the timeline of the latest training.
Incorrect Answers and Hallucinations. ChatGPT can sometimes provide incorrect answers3. It can make grammatical, mathematical, factual, and reasoning errors. It sometimes has difficulty acknowledging that it does not know (hallucination4) something and instead fabricates a plausible-sounding answer. Mitigation: Double-check the answers and find credible sources.
Risk of putting sensitive data to ChatGPT and having a potential breach for clients' or firms' data in cloud5. Mitigation: Strictly avoid inputting sensitive data into ChatGPT. Training. Develop a custom solution with legal guards and boundaries to keep sensitive information within the firm.

Moreover, other limitations are related to disinformation, biases, and wordy answers.

Understanding Prompts
A ChatGPT prompt is a text input or request that users enter into ChatGPT for its response. How the user creates these prompts can influence the type and quality of the responses the user receives.

Applications of ChatGPT
ChatGPT is incredibly flexible and can be used for a variety of tasks:

Edit: ChatGPT can improve the quality of entered text by correcting grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Try to enter the example below as a prompt.

Improve: Team,

Let’s meet this Fri to discuss the latest status updates and plans/ adjustments for the next 2 weeks.

Create: ChatGPT can write something from scratch or expand significantly on user's initial bullet points, whether it is a story, a formal response, or improving ideas. It can create contracts, RFI/RFP, invoices, legal memos, real estate documents, and others, based on provided templates and document related details.

Try to enter the example below as a prompt.

Create an agenda with the following bullet points: 

Quick intro
Project objective review and adjustments
Status updates around the table
Nest steps for next 2 weeks

Learn: ChatGPT can teach about various topics. However, it is essential to note that the 3.5 model's data only goes up until January 2022.

Try to enter the example below as a prompt.

What is Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)?

Summarize: ChatGPT can consolidate a long text into a short summary.

Reminder about Legal guards and boundaries for client’s data in cloud.

Transform: ChatGPT can change the format of a text, such as converting it into a table or back. It supports various formats, including tables, lists, summaries, plain text, bullet points, spreadsheets, long articles, and code formats like JSON, HTML, CVS, XML, etc.

Try to enter the example below as a prompt. (assuming that your previous prompt was about EDA)

Answer in form of table

Tones and Writing Styles
ChatGPT can adapt to different tones (friendly, exciting, thrilling, cutting-edge, adventurous, etc.) and writing styles (professional, informative, educational/academic, fact-based, storytelling, etc.). This makes it a resourceful tool for generating content that fits users' needs and preferences.
Defining Roles for ChatGPT
To get the best out of ChatGPT, the user can define a role for the model. For instance, users can have ChatGPT act as an expert legal advisor, project manager, agile coach, knowledgeable nutritionist, data scientist, etc. 
Try to enter the example below as a prompt.
Act as a resourceful and exciting project manager and improve: Let’s meet this Fri to discuss the latest status updates and plans/ adjustments for the next 2 weeks.
•    You are a resourceful project coordinator…
•    You will be my resourceful project coordinator…
By defining the role, the user can guide ChatGPT to generate responses more aligned with the user's needs.
Is ChatGPT trustworthy? Yes and No. It is like any personal assistant requires validation. It should be used responsibly and ethically, with a caution against placing clients' or firm's data in the public cloud. Despite this caution, it stands as a potent tool, enhancing efficiency and productivity.


